~ Sarwandi Eka Sarbini -Mr.Magicvator-

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Posting and created by Sarwandi Eka Sarbini (Wandi Cyber)

Komentar saya: Saya permah mempidatokan speech ini di Welcome 09 Speech Competition Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin. Pidato dinilai bagus oleh Juri. Semoga bermanfaat untuk anda yang membutuhkan literatur ini. Terima kasih

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

The honorable, the Committees of this competition

The honorable, the Adjudicators of this competition

All my beloved friends

First of all, I would like to praise Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, Who has given us a long life and a good opportunity, so we can gather together in this place. Let’s send Shalawat and Taslim to our prophet Nabiullah Muhammad shollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness, as we can feel today. Well, in this opportunity I would like to deliver a topic of the speech is about “The Real Enemy in Indonesia”.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Indonesia is one of the four largest countries in the world known as a country that is still developing. in the development of Indonesia is in various sectors, from industry, political, economic, social, and cultures, Indonesia is very potential to be a developed country, but one thing that become an obstacle to Indonesia to be developed, namely corruption, collusion, and nepotism that has taken hold in many of the elements in the bureaucracy. This is the real enemy to Indonesia so that the progress of this nation hampered. How unlikely? Numbers of funds do not flow back to the people, in particular for poor people in this country. Funds misused by government officials irresponsible, they do the corruption of public money, they do not care about the people, and the visible is the "knife laws", which is a blunt knife up and down but sharp. This is the phenomenon of Indonesian law that our real enemy “Corruption” to government officials is rampant small. Naudzubillah min dzalik.

Ladies and gentlemen

What actions should we do? A lot of ways to do fight against the real enemy are, by reforming the bureaucracy; all the elements contained in the bureaucracy must be taught an internalization that makes them afraid of corruption. With the number of organized religious knowledge each leader, then enforce the law and be fair, the law in Indonesia should be firm, no longer use the knife laws that serve as deterrent to the perpetrators, it also will make the people who have not been caught for conscious and afraid to do the biggest crime in Indonesia. One thing that's important is a preventive to against corruption, because it is always better to prevent than to catch. What the world say? International news behold, Indonesia is the third largest country in the world of corruption. If we are not ashamed as a great nation, if we are not afraid of entering forbidden foods into our bodies!? Where have you ever gotten a morally in your education?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I think that’s all of my speech that I can deliver today, as a conclusion of my speech; we can take in combating and preventing the real enemy in Indonesia, namely by improving the quality of faith and piety to The God and also generate a sense of shame that is a sin.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


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