Saturday, February 6, 2010


Translated and posted by Sarwandi Eka Sarbini (Wandi Cyber)

If we want to get stop doing our lecturing, let’s keep a close watch on the trend of the teenagers’ behavior, it will be interested to be thought up. The rapid of capitalism and certain elite conglomerate, the growth of the quantitative hotspots and shopping centre make the fungi grow in the rainy season. This phenomenon directly and indirectly influences the culture and behavior pattern of the teenager today. The culture displacement begins to contaminate the teenager without compromise and big exodus about the paradigm of the teenager from the eastern cultural to western cultural. As we can see the hedonist teenager dally with their hairstyle and thank top or junkie’s fashion, and the other digital tools. The society climate is very different with the former.

Euphoria pop teenager cultural: the yield Globalization

The man must be changed. It’s the basic of the thinking in our mind. Of course, we want to grow the culture and mind optimally, because it will firm their position on the earth as the perfect God Creature than the other creatures.

Today, the man is going to the contradiction time with the previous phase, namely globalization. In one side the man is demanded to be more modern, in technology aspect, law, social, politic, democracy, and all of the system that must be perfected. Technology in informatics, medical, biotechnology, and transportation underwent the terrifying growth break away the space and time. But, we couldn’t forget that the result of the man development have the relative and ambivalent quality. The negative influence of the globalization is euphoria pop cultural, free trade, marginalization of the weak social, and gap relation between rich and poor people. The results have made a new culture in the society, especially to the teenager become man falling into the flow of pop culture.

Life comprehension of the teenager become more and more superficial

Reality, the man inclination today is not only in following the development of the era problem, but also the problem of prestige and life comprehension. The real prove is the television, a lot of TV program that every day more and more far from journalistic idealism, and also it legalese the strictness culture, instantiation, and criminalities. Some of the presentations just shallow the teenager affective. The teenager existential is just placed in a flash confession, like the teenager will be considered of their existential if they become a member of bike association, wearing brand clothing, using blueberry, dodgem, clubbing, doing free sex, consuming drugs and etcetera. The other result are war, violation, commercialization body organ, trafficking, gang fight, and else. These results become an indication of destruction that began from the moral values of culture displacement of the teenagers. What a sad and worried condition.

Solution: Internalization

There are two internalization methods, namely reflection and stillness. The two methods are related and couldn’t be separated. Reflection needs a stillness condition, and the soul stillness will be gotten when we reflect. The action of reflection is like the prophet when reminding all of the prohibition and command of The God. The reflection acts become critical in the soul of the teenager, when they underwent the superficial of the moral value in pragmatism, blind conformities, and etcetera. Reflection shows the corn, and direct to the rightness.

So that’s way, as a teenager, we have to be able to change our selves to be better and having good behavior every day. It just can be reached by our selves, not from the other people, there is aphorism said that “Don’t change the other people before changing our selves first.” Keep Reflection man…!!!


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